Flat domain box in fluid simulation

I’m trying to put wine in a wine glass. I set up the wine glass as an obstacle, a cube as wine inside the glass (easier for the moment, I’m going to size it to shape in the glass later), and a domain box surrounding the wine glass. As the wine isn’t supposed to really jostle around and jump, it’s a close shaped box.

But, every time I go to bake the domain box is flattened by Blender. How to I convince Blender to quit flattening my domain box? There’s no reason for it to be doing so that I can find.

Edit: Okay, I figured out that Blender is turning my domain into fluid. WTF? It is clearly the domain that is becoming fluid, and it’s containing itself at the same time. I have no clue why.

Edit: Okay, I figured out that Blender is turning my domain into fluid. WTF? It is clearly the domain that is becoming fluid, and it’s containing itself at the same time. I have no clue why.

That is the correct result.
Use Ctrl+A / scale for all your objects to ensure their scale values are reset. You probably scaled your domain while inobject mode. This will change the objects scale value on that axis. Only scale while in edit mode or you’ll have to reset it afterwards.

So liquids are not supposed to be contained by objects designated ‘obstacle’? The wine glass is designated ‘obstacle’. Of course, after resetting everything, now the wine glass keeps turning into a fluid and disappearing, and it’s not even the wine colored fluid that the fluid is! I haven’t scaled the wine glass. The fluid box also keeps disappearing…

Why would the obstacle turn into a fluid? While it is really cool to think that Blender just got pissy and melted my wine glass, that’s rather an unsettling idea. I don’t want to think that the beginning of SkyNet was my attempt to use fluid simulations in a cheesy lounge scene. O.o

I too also have problems with the fluid simulations,but instead of turning my obstacle into fluid, it takes an age to bake, then once baked nothing appears, tried a few new fairly recent GraphicAll builds, but to no avail!
Can You Help?

My system is:
Ubuntu 10.10 & Windows Vista