I need to create a final render that looks like the picture below. Does anyone have any suggestions on the renderer, lighting, and materials on how I might achieve this? I am trying to make it as procedural as possible. Thanks for any help!
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This is something the workbench renderer would be well suited for. Use basic colored textures, no AO, edge, or cavity shading, and the shadows on, set at a steep angle.
Maybe just Emmission shader and one texture?
And camera set to orthographic (but you know that).
I think you should use srgb color instead of filmic. You can change under color managment tab. Also you can use orthographic camera.
All good ideas and ones I’ve considered, thank you. The only problem is that I am making an interior scene with a closed roof and 4 walls and many rooms. This makes using a sun lamp very difficult for lighting the scene. What do you guys use as far as flat shaders go?