Flat uv mapping


how do i get a, from the top seen, flat uv mapping that goes from A to B , so that i can have a linear gradient all along the length of the object.

so the long A side is for example red and the long B side is green and i have a linear gradient seen from the top from A to B !

so from the top i want to use a “color ramp” like this


thanks for help!

Just… UV unwrap it?

how did you get this? why doesnt it work here.

unwrap002.blend (1.4 MB)

BUT…is it in blender not possibilty to make a flat unwrap from top? not a gradient over the whole surface…know what i mean…by unwrapping all surfaces, the gradient starts at the top edge and goes over the whole vertikal surface…so if you are down this surface you are already at the half of the green-red gradient

i mean i want it like this…ok, maybe i can edit the gradient and move the red to the right side, but i want to know of its possible to make this angle based unwrap from the top…

Ahh sry! I didn’t understood you correctly!

Just go into edit mode and change to top view (Numpad 7) and press U → Project from View.
Then you can scale the size of the UV in the UV editor.


thanks a lot for your help…i forgot about that :man_facepalming: …dont understand why this is not as default also in all the unmapping possibilities…

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