Flattening a Selection of vertices/faces..?

I have part of a mesh which is too curved, so I want to flatten it to some extent, and I need to do it without affecting the neighbouring faces. Is there an easy way to do this?

AFAIK the only way would be to do it vert by vert, perhaps you start off by moving the central vertex down with PEF. That should do some of the work.

go to preferences and enable “loop tools” addon script…
in edit mode, select the faces you want flat… then in the tool panel on the left side find the loop tools panel at the bottom and click “flatten”

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If you really dont want to effect the neighboring faces go around the the edges in edge mode select them and set the mean crease to 1.0, then select the inner faces and use loop tools to flatten.

I’m using 2.49b, and I cannot find the loop tools addon script anywhere in user preferences. Also, the model is made entirely of tris, so there are no loops for me to flatten.

Just switch to Normal orientation, select your faces and type SZ. Then move your mouse to flatten as much as you want. Or you can type SZ0 to get a perfectly flat surface. Or if you want to flatten to an arbitrary face, select that face, Ctrl-Alt-Space to make a new custom orientation and SZ along that. You don’t need any addons, and it should work with 2.49, but I haven’t touched it in a long time so I’m not sure the custom orientation stuff will work.