Flexi Bezier Tool

Sure, how would I sent that file? I am actually new to this forum.

You can upload it on some file sharing site (like google drive maybe) and share the link here.

I have fixed the problem. Please check with the latest version.

(In case you are interested in knowing the reason and the fix: The Convert to Mesh op applies remesh modifier. But for this modifier to work the mesh needs to have some thickness. So the op first applies solidify modifier, and after remesh, the faces other than the original one are removed. If the thickness value of solidify is small [like the default 0.01] the mesh disappears for some reason. I have increased it. Since the faces are anyways removed later, the thickness value does not impact the overall geometry.)


You the man!

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Hi @Khemadeva , can you set your bezier tools to passthrough any other key/mouse event not used by your addon for blender? bezier tools is blocking all mouse and keyboard shortcuts… I think changing RETURN {‘RUNNING MODAL’} to RETURN {‘PASSTHROUGH’} in some places can resolve this.

thank you for this great addon.

Hi @wilBr

I have done this as much as possible. You can try pressing R or Tab with Edit / Draw tools active and you can still rotate or switch modes (the default bevaviour). If the keyboard shortcut is used by the tool, I block both PRESS and RELEASE event values. Otherwise, since Blender by default consumes PRESS and the Flexi Tools consume RELEASE, there will be two ops triggered with one event (one on PRESS and the other on RELEASE). Also, the mouse click won’t work on Gizmo and toolbar tool in Edit (only if there’s a curve beneath it), this is because of the API limitations. I have not been able to find a suitable workaround for this yet.

Having said that, to have the default keyboard / mouse behaviour, I suggest, you switch to the select / tweak tool anyway (default hotkey: F1), because even if the keyboard shortcut like TAB works now, it may get assigned to something else in future.

BTW, you can now configure many hotkeys through add-on preferences.

[Handling keyboard / mouse events has been a real tight-rope :slight_smile: … especially since the tool needs to work in all views and there are some inherent restrictions from API side].

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I’m using right/left mouse button for view navigation and context menu, some hotkeys for switch view properties… then no navigation or wireframe/solid/material modes switch, view frame selected etc while in bezier tool… but ok.
I thought you missing some passthrough event, but this is a more complex situation…

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Thanks a lot ! It works.
For some reason I did not notice that my camera was it the perspective view instead of orthograpic every time i did not work. It looked as if I was in the orthograpic view :confused:

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There was indeed a problem with the tool :slight_smile:
It’s fixed now.

So, in case you haven’t downloaded the latest version of the add-on, you might want to do so, if you plan to use the Curve to Mesh tool.

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Summary of the enhancements done recently:


Really cool the delete segments thank for this!

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Is it possible to draw a curve while conforming the curve to the shape of another object?
I turned on snapping and set it to face but that didn’t make a difference. Just wondering if that is possible?

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I did not quite understand that. If you mean drawing on the surface of the mesh, that requires calculating curve intersection, which is not currently part of the toolkit. So maybe, this will be included when (or if :slight_smile: ) the boolean operations (like union / intersection / diff) are implemented.

As of now, you can draw on individual faces of the mesh and also edit the Bézier or handle points to make them snap to these faces.


Hi, Thanks. I have a scanned object and I would like to create curves to conform the surface of the object. There may be a way to do this with grease pencil and then convert to curves. I’ll have to experiment a bit more with that idea.

Hi. It looks great one. I try to add into the blender 2.81a, but It s not available.
Could the developer upgrade its version?

Thank you!

Hi @Tirat_Jaraskumjonkul Welcome to the BlenderArtists community :slight_smile:

The add-on is already upgraded to work with 2.81 and 2.82. Please download only the py file from location: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Shriinivas/blenderbezierutils/master/blenderbezierutils.py and install it from Edit->Preferences->Add-ons menu in Blender.

Please let me know if you still face issues.


Thank you. It s available.

Offset pleaaaaseee :smiley:


Sure, I am on the lookout for a clean solution for offset :slight_smile:

Meanwhile did you try the new Circle / Ellipse tool in Flexi Draw. It’s already available in version 0.9.80.
I am planning to add polygons next.