Flexi Bezier Tool

I missed this condition completely. It’s fixed in the latest version.

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Khemadeva, amazing work. I downloaded your latest update and it does snap to grid now thank you. Although It works only with feet not inches. In my grid I have set to feet with 12 subdivisions for 12 inches (1 foot = 12 inches), but when snapping to inches it snaps to somewhere in the middle of the grid lines.
Thank you so much for all your work and making blender easy to use.

How did you set the scale to 12 subdivisions? If you change the Unit Scale under Unit System to 12, the grid snapping should work properly. I have tested this condition. Please let me know if you used any other option to set the subdivisions.

If I am on top view and draw a curve 2 feet x 2 feet all works. If I set the value in unit scale to 12 it is snapping to the grid, but the actual size of the curve is in feet not inches

Please correct me if I am wrong, but if you want the scale in inches, then shouldn’t the scale be 1/12
(1 inch = 0.083333 foot)?

It sounds correct. To test my theory… While on imperial units set to one and 12 subdivisions on the grid. I use a single vertex and turn on snap to grid. When I extrude this vertex it snaps to grid exactly on the inch so I can have an object be 3 inches by 5 inches for example and the measure is correct. when I use the flexi bezier tool the snap changes to not be on the grid. So the settings in blender are correct for other purposes.
Note. It snaps correctly at 1 foot increments

It took me some time to figure out where the grid subdivisions are set :slight_smile:
This is fixed in the latest version. Please let me know if you still face issues.

I am on the road right now but I will check when I get home thank you so much for all your attention

Wow It works fantastic now. Thanks a lot Khemadeva

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Hello Everyone! Set Handle Types functionality is available now, default hot key: S

There are a few other useful enhancements added over the past few days. I will be publishing a short youtube video soon.


Hi, Thanks,
Should we download the PY file again each time you update something?

I think Instead of starting from a point and create shapes maybe you can add some default primitives i.e. Box, Triangle, Circle Hexagon etc. This would be very useful and we can edit those as needed. Thoughts?

If you think the feature would be useful, you will need to download the new version. The tool will be a little unstable for the next few days as there are frequent changes. Please feel free to report bugs if you find any.

Yes, that’s on the plan.

And just btw (you may be already aware of this), there are a number of primitives available in Add Curve Extra Objects add-on.

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As applied in Inkscape, the solution is probably a dedicated tool for primitive shapes, different from the bezier line drawing tool which is already accomplished by @Khemadeva. Definitely not regressing the whole addon to ‘make primitve and adjust’ discourse, like elsewhere in Blender. I, personally have had that nonsense up to ‘here’.

Got it, looking forward to the updates, will keep this thread on my bookmark.

Would you be so kind and explain how the Convert Curve to Mesh tool works. I can not figure it out why it only sometimes works. Usually I am getting a small line or just nothing - the curve just dissapears.

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Hi @Paulux
The Convert to Mesh tool does the following:

  • Convert the active curve object to 2d, if it’s not 2d already
  • Close the splines of the curve (mark them cyclic), if they are not already closed
  • Convert the curve to mesh using the bmesh API
  • Apply the remesh modifier so that there are quad faces in the new mesh

There could be 2 reasons that I can think of, why the curve is disappearing in your case. 1) the Remesh Depth is very small or 2) The curve is rather perpendicular to the XY plane, so after converting to 2d (which takes away the z dimension) there is just a small portion of the curve left.

This is a simple tool, which I created mainly to avoid the repetitive steps required to convert the curve to a quad mesh. Maybe it can be improved by making the 2d conversion smarter and using the new remesher tools of 2.81 (I have not tried them at all, so not sure if this makes sense).


Great work @Khemadeva !

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Maybe I am doing something wrong but my curve just disappear, please see the screenshots below: -

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Would it be possible for you to share the blend file with the curve object (without converting it to mesh)?