Flip Fluids Inlfow simulation trouble, need help!

Hey All, I’m really struggling with this flip fluids animation, would love any assistance on this if possible!

I am trying to have a liquid enter from outside the left frame, spiral around an object, and then exit the right side of the frame. It follows a bezier curve. and I have been following this tutorial

Blender + FLIP Fluids Tutorial: Fluid flowing around object using a curve guide

When following this tutorial, I was expecting to get the same results or something very similar to this simulation, yet this is not the case.

The issue I am facing is that, even after inserting a keyframe on the inflow object to enable it, and also DISABLE the inflow so that it’s just a specific amount of liquid that goes through, the water still flows from the inflow emitter. I even animated the emitter to leave the domain of the simulation to stop it from emitting more water, yet the issue still persists.

I read online through some digging that the sheeting effect can also be affecting this, so I have inserted keyframes enabling and disabling the sheeting effects. Despite that, it still isn’t stopping the inflow from generating new water even after both sheeting and inflow are disabled.

I have also had to change my bezier curves’ field strength to -500, because the fluid simulation won’t follow the bezier curve path if it’s at the standard -9.81 strength, like it is in the video.

Bottom line, I just want the fluid to flow from the inflow around the bottle, but even inserting a keyframe to enable and disable the inflow doesn’t stop the problem.

I would deeply appreciate any assistance on this! Attached is a link to a google drive to download the file. Flip Fluids Animation

Blender Version: 2.93.1
Flip Fluids Version: 1.0.9B Stable