So if i select backface culling i can clearly see which normals are the wrong way round is there anyway to select the faces that were backface culled?.
When i try recalculate normals it usually does not flip them all and sometimes even makes it worse so i have to go manually which is time consuming and tedious
If you have a poorly modelled mesh (duplicate edge/faces and non manifold edges) then recalculating normals may not work correctly as what is ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ cannot be determined
But the backface culling seems to get it exactly right from my experience however seems no way to just flip the backface culled faces other than manually
You didn’t get Richard’s point: Ctrl-N does not work (supposedly) because of your sloppy modeling.
Especially non-manifold edges will stop Blender from correctly determining the inside and the outside of the mesh…
So, if you want to have a quick and reliable solution, make sure your mesh has been built correctly.
And you are missing my point switching backface culling on “does” show an accurate account of the faces that are not facing outward if i manually change every face that backface culling shows to be wrong it is perfect in the end so all i want to do is be able to tell blender to flip all the faces that backface culling shows to be incorrect . As for the sloppy modeling jibe its not my model
Iam only throwing in a random tip cause i had an similar situation : select your model/object and then press ctrl+a there a window pops out there ya press on scale -> now go to edit mode and select your entire model by pressing A ->now click on recalculate face normals …and or on flip faces until it looks right (:
Iam not sure if it can help in your case but it worked for me cause the scale has to be applied after applying modifiers or so idk …i only know it worked for my trouble at whuch the faces where always inverted and or facing backwards .
Backface culling is not a reliable way of determining which way the normals are facing. To determine the normals, go into ‘edit mode,’ go to the ‘N’ panel, and check the ‘normals’ for the vertices, edges and faces (though faces is usually the most helpful in my experience).
Pressing ‘ctrl+N’ is the way to tell Blender to correct all the ‘faces’ that are deemed incorrect (in your eyes). It’s not perfect however if you’ve got problems in your mesh. So if ‘ctrl+N’ is not working, you’ve got an underlying problem.
As for the sloppy modeling jibe its not my model
Regardless, his point stands.