Floating sauna

This architecture 3D visualization project has been inspired by a floating sauna on the DERBY LAKE in TASMANIA, designer by LICHT ARCHITECTURE STUDIO


I had a look to your portfolio, @Franco_Caserta : waow !
Iā€™m very honored you liked my picture. Thanks :slight_smile:

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I think that you are a good artist, you have talent, the best for you! Keep going

Thanks :slight_smile: I gonna blush

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It looks great, but I think the placement of the girl and the ā€˜stepsā€™ is unfortunate - they seem to extend out from her legs.

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Thanks a lot for your comment. Itā€™s very important for me.
Exteriors and Interiors visualization without people are my ā€œcomfort zoneā€ so i try to add characters to improve my scenes with more story-telling. Iā€™m using the Blender ADDON HUMAN GENERATOR. But ā€œcharactersā€ is a very difficult skill to get : poses, expressions, clothes (here, itā€™s easy for the clothes :slight_smile: ) I work a lot on this point but iā€™m often desappointed.
To improve this visual, what advice would you give me for my 2 girls?

in photoshop add them in as a separate layer and add motion blur to them . also im assuming this is rendered in eeve? cycles would sure give you higher quality lighting. also the bear ground in the background to the right of the house is quite jarring to the eye.

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OK, great thanks for your advices