Floating Windows

Thanks! Is possible to make pie menu only with custom Floating Windows Slots?

Already written this in current version
Didn’t but publish it yet

An option would also be useful to remember the place where float windows show up. So that each time they show up in the same place.

did you know that the future floater windows will have the same settings as the area with same editor ?

Yes i found those options. Cant w8 for the Floating Windows Slots pie menu!

if you have pie menu editor i can show you it’s really easy to do.

Yes please!

you don’t even need pie menu editor in the end

you just need to create a new shortcut in “Window” with → float.piestandalone

that’s it.
it’s so easy to do, shall i even bother to code this ? idk

Dont work. When i add this to Window keymap i have this:

addon of coz is enabled.

I think adding the new pie menu option in the addon prefs would be ok.

Bought it last night… love it. Thank you for your awesome work. :slight_smile:

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Thanks :smiley:

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Hey @BD3D, just wanted to quickly notify you that it is currently impossible to buy your addon via Gumroad. The issue seems to be the “license type” field.

Is this no longer supported? Gumroad wants a version to be picked while there are no versions listed.

weird, i’m looking into this. the blendermarket page is still working ? you guys don’t like blender market ?
i don’t have a lot of gumroad purchases so i’m not really attentive to this platform

Marvelous! To see this being this far developed after our previous talk.

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Haha, just being cheap!
Good to see its still a-go.

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@UnCommonGrafx now fixed on gumroad

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Any news about this?

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I would love to see that as well. I’m trying to either use that panel or find a way to replicate the one from 3DS Max to quickly/easily get all meshes/objects in the scene and select things more quickly.


@BD3D will this add-on allow for cross window color picking?
Why I ask is, I use two monitors, the second usually has my graph editor when animating, or the material editor displayed.
In native Blender when I use the color picker from the second monitor and pick across to the first, or vice versa, the color will always be black.

If “Floating Windows” can be on a separate monitor and color pick across screens, that would be awesome.


When will you be updating the add on for 2.83 mate?