Floating Windows

You mean Combine taskbar buttons.
My point is that instead of name Blender, it’s the name of the window (Outliner, Properties ect…)

Yes it is in my to do list

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I use BoxCutter addon a lot. When i use it with Float windows on every time when i change any BC parametr in F6 window i have crashes like this:

Address : 0x00007FF6DF2A3C20
Module : C:\Blender2.80\blender.exe

When i disable FloatWindow addon is working perfectly

Hello pinhead

I’m sorry you experience some issues, could you show me a screenshot of the set up you use ? and how to reproduce the bug ? I also use BoxCutter i’ll try by myself. :slight_smile:

I send you video with the error. What setup you mean? Blender or pc?

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Could you please consider all of us that are color blind? How about an option for Light Blue and Light yellow…far better for us.

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Apart from these errors, it is great

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Yes I can do that easily.

But did you know that you can use the pin/unpin ICON instead of the red/green color ?

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Thankyou, and no I did not remember that…will try and see if it works better for me!

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thanks, if you don’t like it let me know

I appreciate this Floating Windows Addon, which I bought, and use daily. Is there anyway to have the windows be persistent, in that, opening Blender would retain the extra open windows configuration?? I have to open them each time. Can it be saved with a particular Blender file?? if not just with the Blender?? Thank you again.

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Ooooh, Yes!

This is partially how I imagine Blender 3 will become :smiley:
You keep doing great work.


Thanks !

Some news about this addon:

I now know how to do a preset system. i will rewrite this addon once i finished the scatter project to allow import/export the floating windows prefs + some other few updates. :ok_hand:


How about possibility to not change view in floating window when changing tabs? Can you do this?

I need to do some r&d about this

What kind of other features do you think are important ?

For me this is most important, coz very often i switch between tabs and i want to floating window view stays . For example i have floating window on my second or third monitor and always i want toget access to shader node editor but now avry time i switch the tabs flowting window changes too. For me this is most important. The second one is this

switch between tabs

okay i’ll try to work hard on this then.

as for your second demand, as i say there’s an option in your windows parameters. look at mines, i have 8 windows of blender open at the same time here, but the taskbar is still clean.

in french the option is called “always combine etiquette” → “Always masks etiquettes”

I mean now in every taksbar is “Blender”.
it would be nice instead of showing the “Blender” in the every taskbar show the name on specific view. Shader Node, outliner ect…

You could add in future versions option so that the outliner remembers “Restriction toggles”?

An option would also be useful to remember the place where float windows show up. So that each time they show up in the same place.


Okay for the outliner, I’ll try
As for the position there’s an option for that in the add on pref !

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