
Hi everyone, I tried a more artistic approach to make a presentation for a piece of furniture.
Well, I’m pretty happy of the result :slight_smile:


Nice scene and nice texturing! It’s also great to find the default cube still hanging out there :wink:

Are your textures procedural/raster or mix of both?

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Well done and you can be proud of this in every aspect.

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Nice work,
note that your displacement heightmap have a pixel depth problem!
you can resolve this issue by choosing better image depth format such as 32bit exr (instead of 16bit png i guess? or even JPEG :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:?)


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Thank you man ! Most of the textures are image based. There’s only a voronoï texture for the sand.

Much appreciate, thank you :pray:

Ahhh thank you man, actually the displacement is a 8 bit .png. I was wondering why do I have this stange effect on the sand while I don’t see it in the render viewport. I will try with another map :slightly_smiling_face:

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going for 16bit might resolve the issue,
but top notch is going for a 32bit exr heightmap :ok_hand:
Note that you won’t be able to convert 8bit to 16bit just like that i don’t think that pixels will interpolate correctly, the raw footage itself needs to be of high depth


I made the test to see the result by simply saving the 8bit .png in a 32bit ERX file.
It slightly reduces the effect but it also changes the height of the displacement.
In anycase I think saving the map file in another mode does not give “correct” result.
Many thanks man


That is the render with a another displacement map for the sand. I used a 16bit .png texture.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks a lot Bart, have a nice day !

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I am drawn (ha,ha) to what I see as opposites that are attractive (to me). You have concrete/wood, desert with vegetation and a blue sky with clouds to keep it company! Made and organic forms, one floating above the other! Very Nice! Oh, and then there’s geometry and symmetry too. :smiley:

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Such a nice description ! Thank you :pray: