Flower Girl

The whole project started as a very simple and quick skull sketch/sculpt.

Geometry nodes are used to array the petals.

Spirals in the nasal cavity are inspired by a deer skull.
Gold metal edge wear created with the pointiness option in the geometry (shader) node.

Below are just a few stylized versions. I like to experiment with filters and such stuff. =)

Feel free to ask me anything. :wink:
Thanks for your time.



Really gorgeous work. Love the unique design of your skull. Usually when I see a render of a skull, I think “Oh great, another skull…”. This… is breathtaking.


Oh wow thanks for your lovely comment. Highly appreciated. :blush:

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Of course! You deserve it! This is definitely going on the featured row.

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That would be great.

I wish you a great day. :wink:

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Beautiful work!


Not exactly sure why, but man, I love this piece. It is gorgeous. Awesome textures.

Great job.


Thanks for your comment - very appreciated. :wink:

Now that is flattering - thanks! I’m really happy about your comment. =)

Quoted for agreement. Very inspiring work. Also happens to resonate well with some concepts of mine I’ve been contemplating on lately. (Warning, I might steal some of your idea :innocent: …eventually *)

By the way, have you considered making one of those sketchbook-threads? I’ve repeatedly seen some notably great stuff from you, it seems a pity if it’s all kind of scattered…

greetings, Kologe

*. must. resist. temptation. to. get. sidetracked.

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There are no ugly women.
It just depends on how much vodka you drink

Great work, congrats.

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Nice concept and nicely done

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Quite amazing!

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No, you are amazing! Thanks for your comment. :wink:

I thank you for your time and love. I’m glad you like my artwork.

Maybe she was beautiful even without the use of alcohol. :blush:

Thanks for your commentary. :wink:

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My “sketchbook” would be (on a few) Discord servers. So no i haven’t considered creating a sketchbook thread. There is still my Instagram and especially Artstation account.

“(Warning, I might steal some of your idea :innocent: …eventually *)”
That would be an honor tbh.

Greetings, Steffen :wink:

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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author have unique style - propose to see all his works… https://blenderartists.org/u/Harti/activity/portfolio

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