flower study, simple materials

So, i have decided that i should probably take a trip down “learning all about materials and stuff” lane, and try a few things. inspired by a simple cartoony, possibly clay-like later style, i whipped up this flower real quick, to be part of a larger scene eventually…

this started as search for information regarding SSS scripts, and actually turned into this… any thoughts? i know its simple, but that is kind of the point. there is more to come…


yes, very simple. You should alter the petals so they have varience and then join them to the recepticle and uv mad it with a more gradual texture transition from inner part to petal…

I am working on a flower as well. Was the SSS script simple to use. I can’t get the correct transparenty using ray or ztransp, because in blender that allows you to actually see what is behaind the petals. In reality this is not the correct type of transparenty, if you hold something up to the back of the petal, you can see a shadow where it is blocking light from entering, not the actual color of the object which is blocking the light (which is what you see with Blender’s Trans…).