Fluid dynamics

Hello (Blender novice and first post, so please be nice)

I’m trying to create a fluid animation which exits through a port in a pipe into an annulus, for some reason I cannot get the fluid to react with the inner cylinder, I have selected all the obvious setting but cant seem to get it working, any ideas?

Thanks & Regards


Can you tell us what obvious settings you’ve tried? Assuming the inner cylinder is a separate object, you would select that object, go to the Physics panel, enable physics for Fluid and choose Obstacle as the type. That’ll get you started. If that doesn’t work, let us know.

Hi Hunkadoodle

I have the outer circle selected as an obstacle (yes separate geometry), I try to pick the inner one as the same but the bake wont run, I’m assuming that you cannot have 2 obstacles selected?

Fluid simulation is able to handle several obstacles.
You have to set a fluid modifier to each object.

You can’t add modifier to both objects in one manipulation.
You have to add it to one object and then copy modifier to the other one.

Okay I’m getting into the swing of this now and here’s the thing. There is a port (in real life) in the smaller ID, the fluid comes from this and in turn fills the annulus, so when I change the property of the inner circle to an obstacle the fluid stops there. If I was to add a hole feature to the wall of the inner tube, will blender know to treat it as such or will the whole shape still be treated as an obstacle?


So, I’m struggling to understand the real-world object you are trying to model. In the real world, are the inner and outer cylinders part of the same pipe/tube? If so, you should model them as the same object so that you have your exterior and interior geometry that works as a shell for the fluid solver. If you want a hole or port through the inner cylinder through to the outer cylinder, you’ll need to model that as well.

The blue tube represents the small tube and the larger tube is the bore wall.

fluid will skoosh out the orange ports into the void, I’m trying to create a realistic flow, then save as as .abc and finish the render in Keyshot