Fluid Goes through effector

Hello, I’m very new to the New physics simulator
in blender.
I’ve made this simple scene but
the liquid is going through the effector.
Instead is colliding
with the domain
and not the pool
any way to fix it?

I am not very experienced on physic simulations, but on the physics properties of the effector try upping the surface thickness

I did a test with a thickness of .4 and it worked out

Same trouble here.
Changing surface thickness did not work for me.

Same here too.

Upping the surface thinkness won’t help, as it creates a visible gap between the effector and the simulated liquid.

My “most usable solution” is to increase the Resolution Divisions, up to 128. the baking is then much longer, but at least my effectors don’t leak.

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It still doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried a lot of things but the fluids just going straight through the effector.