waves? by this do I make a collide pushing the water or something droping cause a wave ripple? trying to do this effect 30 seconds to end where the water is washing up on shore. is the effect I want but have a collider with a small deck .
I know I could use ocean and change the waves to go in a certain direction but then. since there is no collider in the ocean it would go through mesh like a wooden deck, so figured to make a fluid and have the camera after the water drops where it creates the wave and make the deck a collide.
You can’t do this with Blender’s fluid simulator. You’ve asked this like eight times before and gotten the same answers over and over. That video lists exactly what software or Blender add-ons it’s using, and it’s the same stuff you’ve asked about and had answered already in other threads. There’s even a download link right there in the video description.
one person answered me and they said the ocean can’t collide on a mesh, now as for that video, I downloaded the file and i dont think it works with 2.7 since it was made with 2.69. but I did find out if I made a fluid and made a collide to push the water it will cause waves. but no tutorials on this, so I guess I will try and learn.