Fluids in Cylinder or Glass

I’ve tried a number of way to get a fluid to fill a glass and have the circumference smooth an no jagged as shown here

increased the number of sides to the class object from 64 to 128 and still that made no difference

Added smoothing and subdivision and still no change to the problem

tried various resolutions up to 600 but the stepping still remains the same

what I did interesting is the grid size happens to be similar in size the section outline in the image…the image is after 20 frames.

I do realize Blender is on grid system what is confusing is the the mesh is made of trigons so it should shape much better than a quad

What am I missing to get a more smoother circumference


What level of smoothing and subdivision did you use? What is the Real World Size of this, and what are the actual object dimensions of the Domain cube?

Resolution tested from 200 - 600
Real World: 7cm (0.07) Because the object is no larger than 7cm
Smoothing: 3
Sub: 2

no matter what resolution the same jaggy step pattern happens the jagginess does not change it stay the same

And how about the other question I asked? Also, have you applied object scales on all the sim objects?

As with every support question, this would be a whole lot easier with an example .blend file.

what does that mean

What does what mean? Post your .blend file to www.pasteall.org/blend/ and give us the link to the file so we can see how everything is set up and figure out if there is a good way to improve the fluid’s behavior.

what is object scales?

Hit the N key in the 3d Viewport to bring up the number panel and you’ll see values for all sorts of things, including rotation and scale. Objects can have visual transformations that exist on sort of a different data layer than mesh data. These are primarily intended for animation purposes, but people often scale and rotate whole objects in Object Mode rather than simply working on the mesh in Edit Mode. If left un-applied, these can have unintended consequences for simulations, because the simulation may be operating on the mesh data that has a totally different size and rotation than the object that contains it. Before running a simulation, your objects should generally have these transforms applied, which means resetting the values. Select an object and hit Ctrl-N and apply Scales and Rotations. Whatever visual changes you’ve made will become the object’s new default: the scale of the object will be 1 and the rotation will be 0, while maintaining the current size.

Speaking of the current size, take a look at the Dimensions in that N-panel. How big is this domain cube, exactly?

And like I said, post your .blend file. There’s only so far we can get by throwing numbers around.

x: 0.219
y: 0.219
z: 0.473
Domain Scale: 1.0 on all 3 axis

The Glass object
x: 0.208
y: 0.208
z: 0.532
Scale on all 3 axis is 1
rotation is 0

The inflow object
Scale: 1.0 on all 3 axis
rotation is 0

I will not be uploading the scene as it has custom designed objects for a commercial project.

Just upload an example file that demonstrates the problem. It doesn’t have to be the exact file with all the commercial stuff. Just give us something to work with. Don’t make people try to replicate your work from scratch. It’s unnecessary effort and there may be other factors that you don’t list in your description.

From my observation: as each frame progress only a specific amount to of the previous mesh (frame) is effected not the entire mesh (in this setup pouring down from top).

Watching in wireframe mode I can see each row of trigons only effect a limited number of trigons below, this makes sense as top why I have a staggered look al most like wood grain. Basically the lower section of the mesh is static no changes to the mesh unless of course there is some interaction with the lower section such as rotating.

I’m doing a test scene now

It’s clear to me now that blender does prefer flat sided object. I tried so many different setting and container meshes that curves surface is just not as good as on a flat flat/ square container…guess that why 90% of sim on youtube are in boxes

100% of all fluid sims are “in boxes” because the domain is a bounding box. 90% of the things on YouTube are lazy tests by people who aren’t using proper obstacle objects inside their domain.

You said you were doing a test scene. Where is it? Don’t make people try to recreate your problems by guessing; just supply a file that demonstrates the problem.

figured it out

Care to share your solution so other people can learn?