Flying dragonfly toy

Well this is my most recent project, its at the point i’m ready to call it more or less done. The wings are rigged and controled by a single bone. This is my first project completed in 2.63, i had been modeling in 2.49 and then rendering in 2.6. Render is Blender Internal, i played with Cycles but had trouble getting the wings right, don’t know if it was me or if cycles does


I like it! :slight_smile: The pattern on the wings is great. :smiley:

I took a picture of the real wings then recreated the design in Gimp. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

The Dragonfly itself looks great! I had one like this a while ago. It was quite fun to fly :D. But the background looks a bit empty. Maybe you could have put the Dragonfly into a more interesting environment. But again the drangonfly looks really good :yes:.

Simon M.

Thanks. Yeah i know its a plain background, i didn’t really have any good ideas of what to put back there and the model was the project in this case, so i left it blank. I’m thinking of uploading the file on blendswap so other people can play with it.

I’d work on making the eyes look more detailed. I was thinking about it and here’s a method I came up with to make them look better:

Select the eye part of your mesh. Hit ‘P’, and then apply that subsurf modifier that’s…er…modifying it. Tab into edit, and hit T to bring up your toolbar. Select all your faces, USING FACE SELECT MODE (won’t work in any other selection mode), and then, from your toolbar, select “extrude individual”. Extrude the faces out more than you need. Then, hit alt+s, and shrink all the faces. Then, apply a new subsurf modifier.

Just an idea, obviously you don’t need to try it, tho it is one of my favorite techniques to use. :slight_smile:


Thanks for commenting.
i played with the method you suggested, i think it’s a bit of overkill for this case since the actual toy has quite a smooth finish. Still you are welcome to give it a try and post the results here. The blend file is on blendswap now.