Flying is for fun... w/.blend

Here’s revision #2

probly the last one.

revision 1

here’s the original

THis thing is great! Nice materials. But too many lights reflecting on the windshield. One thing catched my eye: The exhaust pipes are in the wrong way. Shouldn’t they head backwards?

Apart from that: Great picture!



nice modeling!
thanks for shareing with us :slight_smile:

Hey! Very nice Moddeling and Texturing! I like the character! Only the background is a bit too blury i think (the thing I everytime have to crit when someone uses a background image :frowning: )

Again, very nice one!

Really nice image. Love the camera angle.

Though I think the camera is too close for this image. The propeller is very distracting to the eye and draws you right too it when you first look at the image. Move the camera back and show the entire craft and it will be much better imo.


very nice picture, I like especially the character and the materials.


I have to say the camera seems too close to the plane, but other than that, the camera angle is sweet!

Nice design aircraft too, but I have to agree with Gunnar about the exhaust pipes. If they’re some sort of fire arms they are okay placed but they don’t look lime guns.

I like the rocks on the left, but I personally dislike the background. Perhaps if the camera angle is lowered, and the background is just sky, it will be better. It’s just my opinion though.

All-in: lovely work! Cool that there is a character in this peace who doesn’t, how do I say it, makes the rest less good. The caracter is good and it doesn’t messes up the scenes what often happens with scenes.

Lovely work.

You need to increase the AO quality settings. It might kill your render times, but the fuzzy noise distracts. And if the propeller is blurred because it’s spinning so fast, shouldn’t the plane be blurred as well? I think you should fuzz up the propeller with Photoshop or GIMP.

But I love the background, the plane, and the whole scene! Fantastic job.


Thanks all for the comments,
I’ve tryed to put them to use and I’ve updated my first post with a revised pic.

I’ve turned off the specular on my ambient lamps -thanks gunnarstahl

I’ve changed the background picture to one that’s a little sharper but that’s the sharpest pic I have of Bryce Canyon. hopefully it was an improvment- thanks Jothmom

Bgdm, Roger - I had feelings of the sort, thanks for putting it into words, I moved the camera and tryed to focus the scene on the character. any better?

Jace - Instead of increasing the AO quality settings I rendered the image twice as big then sampled it down, that way everything was a little sharper too. I’ve re-blurred the propelor in photoshop, but whatever I try to do to the plane seems to screw up the feel of the picture. (but I did try)

about exhaust pipes, those pipes you see are actually side draght fuel injection manifolds on the ends of aluminum intake pipes pointing into the wind to create a sort of ram air effect. here are pics of the aircraft, the exhaust pipes are the rusty pipes underneath the plane.

well, everyone, thanks again

Yeah! This update is awsome!

This latest version is an improvement over the old one.

I can’t really see how anybody could actually pilot a plane like this when they have to be positioned like that though…


I’ll give a Focused Critique.
As far as the meshing, lighting, texture, etc… it is beautiful. As is, this picture is great!

Now what I think it needs is some placement. The propeller unfortunately blocks view of some of the aircraft’s mechanics. It needs to be rotated a bit more to see that.

Secondly, the girl is a project in itself. My first glance at the image gave me in impression that there was a passenger behind her. I see that it is her hair obviously. Maybe tweaking that would help.

Other than that, it is great!!! Prefect! Many props. :cool:

One more thing. The girl’s facial expression and “correctness” is fantastic. Many people would kill to just do a head, let alone an entire project as this.

good job i love the engine it´s like a giant boxer 8 cylinder with some massive weber carbs, that thing would be as fast as hell

I’ve updated my first post a last time not too much of an improvment but I think it’s time to move on.

Henrymop - I’m pleased you like it.

Algorith - your probably right, I’m not an expert on aircraft etc, It was a design I imagined to be small and fast… I wasn’t thinking too much on comfort and usability.

spin- I rotated the propellor, I did’nt quite know what to do to the hair though. and I did a lil bit of post pro soo there it is.

for anyone interested…
Here’s the .blend minus the girl (I might release her later if I get her walkcycle etc. polished up) sorry for the large size must be the textures.
8.6Mb rar

dannybear - cool someones familiar with boxer engines. I used build souped flat 4’s for off-road bugs and ultra lights.

Definitely an improvement from the original. Well done and well done on listening to those crits from above to improve the image.


Wow thanks for sharing this impressive piece. But when I try to download it:

The file or user you are looking for does
either not exist or you do not have access to this file.

			Please go to the [SEARCH section](
			to find your destination and register
			for a free account to gain access to filegroups! 				

further info: /usr/hatchfactory/pub/8/fly.rar

okay sorry about that the link above is fixed but here it is again anyways

Awesome model!!! THanks! But I noticed something… where’s the tailwheel? If it were a real plane, then the tail would drag along the ground. Only crit, though. I am missing the girl…


jace- you’re right! I forgot, shucks… oh well maybe you could add one, or copy one of the front tires and scale it.

“I am missing the girl”… yeah I was going to put her in but there’s some deformations I haven’t quite ironed out yet. I’ll most likely post her blend individually later w/ walkcycles gestures etc.

Thanks. I love the model.
