
I’m currently in the process of creating a stylized (very stylized; obviously I took some… well, liberties on the plant :p) venus flytrap in Blender. Before I rig it, I’m curious to know if anyone has any suggestions on how I might go about creating the “teeth”? They shouldn’t move independently; just follow the upper/lower jaw when the mouth opens wide and closes.

P.S. Yes, I am aware of the shadow-like shape behind the flower pot. That was intentional; I like it there, as I think it adds an interesting element to the background, so don’t go telling me to get rid of it :rolleyes:

The flytrap has been rigged, thanks to the help of the user Quandtum (I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but thanks to Quandtum the mesh is now rigged and ready to be posed/animated :D).

Here’s a turntable:

Heh; it’s fun to do all sorts of animation tests. Especially when I can add cheesy sound effects :stuck_out_tongue: