Focus on a mirror

Should not the reflection in focus too? The knife is set as focus target.

Guess have to workaround in compositor then?

Why would it? The actual ray travels camera to mirror and then mirror to object. Looks to be about same distance as distance from mirror to table edge, resulting in about same defocus.


This is the realistic behavior. In a real life photo, the camera will perceive the distance of objects in a mirror as if they were actually at their distance in the reflection.


I was wrong then,
i thought the mirror provides a reflection the same as if i glue an picture on the mirror.

This around it means it needs a viewer to get an reflection. Crazy like the double-slit experiment or schrödinger’s cat.

Your explanations make sense, the mirror just extends the camera ray to a longer distance.

Crazy, thinking over it, a mirror has the ability to provide a reflection to infinite viewers. There is no reducing in quality or resolution. No interference or collision of the viewers rays. Light rays are also waves right? They must influence each other!?

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If I understand right, there will be a little bit of degrading in the image because no surface is perfect, but otherwise a mirror will pretty much optically act as if it was a hole in the wall and you were seeing a copy of the room. You can see that’s the case, because mirrors allow for depth perception through them when you see them with your eyes.

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You can see the degradation of light if you put two mirrors facing each other and stand between- while you’ll have an infinite effect, it will also become slightly more green with each bounce/layer


Even more so with typical household mirrors which are 2nd surface mirrors (usually glass covered) which reflects only 80-85%. 1st surface mirrors (without glass) of a high reflective material (silver?) reflects way more.

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Ah, it is called blue shift (oppsitte red shift, so it goes greenish first.
Cant find an article about this effect, did you have a source? :slight_smile:

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No source beyond my own eyes :sweat_smile:

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