Fog glow vs blur?

Has anyone ever managed to get results out of the blur node that are similar to the fog glow effect in the glare node? Fog glow isn’t particularly fast, but IMO the result looks way better then a blur:

Fog glow:

Fast gaussian, 64px:

Fog glow seems to have some fancy non-linear falloff to the bloom that looks way more natural than anything I’ve managed to get out of the blur node. Has anyone managed to do better with the blur node, or is fog glow just slower because it uses some extra fancy math to get that pretty bloom?

(btw, why can’t the glare node use the render/edit quality settings in the compositor?)

You might want to start by controlling the falloff of the glow map with a color-ramp, create a B&W branch of the glow map and use a color-ramp with B-spline interpolation to get a smooth alteration of the falloff.

Then multiply the original blur map with the one using the edited falloff.

It also looks like you might have to add some color-tinting to the glow map as well as add on another glow map with an extremely small blur, but overall, while it might be a little faster then, you’re creating a somewhat complex setup for a nice effect that you’re able to do with just one node.

How about the dilate/erode node that has defined falloff shapes and its fast, but doesn’t have the color multiplied in.