Foliage scene v2 | Rendered with TheBounty renderer v2.0 for Blender v2.90 alpha

Hi there. This is my second attempt on creating foliage scene using TheBounty renderer v2.0 for Blender v2.90 (Iโ€™m beta tester). So what can I say, this is superfast renderer for CPU I think. It has different types of lighting algorithms: Direct lighting, Stochastic progressive photon mapping, Bidirectional pathtracing, Photon mapping and Pathtracing which is Unbiased algorithm like Cycles.:blush:
So, the engine says by itself and this is second render of the foliage scene too:

โ— Stochastic progressive photon mapping (SPPM);
โ— Enabled: Premultiply alpha, Trans.shadows is 10, Trans.background, Mat.refract.transparented;
โ— 16 AA samples (Gaussian);
โ— 2mln photons, Rec.rayDepth is 48, Bounces/Depth is 10;

โ–  Rendertime: 55 minutes on my Core2Quad Q6600 @2.4ghz, 3Gb Ram Ddr2 800mhz.

EDIT: And yeah, grass textures are based on planes and two trees from Botaniq tree libraries๐Ÿ˜Š. Special credits to the Botaniq team.

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Well it looks like an image from 2002

Hahaha but now is 2020๐Ÿ˜
Anyways need some more tries๐Ÿ˜‰

Try to tweak leaf shader first for this two trees, they are very flat right now, lighting also contributes to this

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