This is driving me outright crazy. In other programs I’ve worked with (Vegas, Audacity, Windows Live Movie Maker) the media could ALWAYS be made to follow the cursor, but in Blender this feature doesn’t seem to exist. It’s downright annoying to always have to scroll through my media, especially when I’m working with long songs and I need to find specific detail. What I want Blender to do is have the media (the graph, the song, or in the timeline) follow the cursor, or pan along behind it so the cursor stands still. And if that doesn’t work, at least can it do what Audacity does were the cursor pans along the piece, then when it reaches the end of the viewing area it displays the next section at the same zoom level and pans through it again.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, I cannot believe that a program such as Blender would lack this feature, I’m sure it’s blind ignorance that’s keeping me from seeing it (it sure isn’t lack of trying, I’ll tell you that!)