Follow path - camera does it sort of, fluid does nothing

Hi everyone,

I’m following the new ice-cream tutorial on YouTube and that made me want to do a fluid simulation of melted chocolate running down the finished result.

I got my hands on flipfluids and have a nice stream and covering of the ice-cream, but I would like to have the steam circle around above the ice-cream and cover it nicely, but when I make a follow path constraint, I can make the inflow element move, but the stream of fluid stays in the same place.

Likewise, I would like to make a camera orbit around the ice-cream to show the covering goodness, but when I make the camera follow the path constraint, it’s sort of floating around the path curve linked with a dotted line, and not keeping focus on the ice-cream.

Does anyone know how to solve this?

Hi, for the inflow, you will need to make sure that the Export Animated Mesh option is enabled. This option needs to be enabled for animations that are more complex than keyframed location/rotation/scale.


Oh cool, thank you I’ll give it a try right away!
The setup with the element having to follow path is still the same right?

Oh the animated mesh setting made everything work perfectly, thank you!

I now starting to play around with another idea… would it be possible to set the icecream to be a fluid with high viscocity, and have it bend a little on impact with the incomming chocolate?

See image below

Simulation of multiple fluids (or variable viscosity) is not supported in the FLIP Fluids addon. We will be adding this as a feature in the future as it is a very popular request, but it will take a lot of research/development time as this is a complex topic in fluid simulation.

Here’s a quick tip: it looks like your domain is quite large compared to the volume of the fluid effect. A domain that fits tightly around the fluid effect will help optimize simulation performance and detail, and reduce RAM usage. See this topic on how to size your domain:

I’ve now finished the scene and I wanted to animate it, but everytime I try to render the animation Blender crashes… is there something that I can do to try and reduce the quality of the fluid sim, as that seems to kill the render process?

Here’s a link to the blend file:

Hi, the render crashing issue is a bug in Blender 2.80 that we are waiting for the Blender developers to fix. See this document for more info an possible workarounds:

Locking the interface often helps with rendering (Blender > Render > Lock Interface).

Thanks, the locked interface did the trick, now everything is comming out really nice!

thanks for your help, I’m looking forward to follow the development of flip fluids!