Hi there,
I am trying to make an model follow a path without deforming. I tried using Curve from the modifiers, Follow Path from constraints, even making an Empty and make it a parent for the model but it didn’t work.
Is there a way to make an model to follow a path without deforming?
I made 2 curves for one path, because it only has one path per curve and i wanted the second car off set. One thing that helps is having the object origin right on the curves first segment. so one car needs to be advanced along its path, not by placing it advanced but by having its own path stat at negative frames.
hope it helps maybe you can private message me and you will not need to wait.
here is a blend file at pastall you just down load hassle free
I duplicated the car/cube and path when both was selected, all at the same time. so I had the exact same car and path parented the same. Then in graph editor, I used the G key and the x key to move it on the time not value.