Force Field Woes 4.1

Hi there

Can someone help, working on this for lsat 2 hours now and tried everything.

It works but doesn’t work.

1)Objects not sitting correctly on plane.
2) Just noticed some of the normals of the base particle are flipped.
3) Suppose to be wind blowing leaves but they just stick to the ground
4)Ideally I’d lie better interaction, more flying out of the way of the force field.

Settings seem to disappear to e.g Physics.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Force Field.blend (1.4 MB)

Ah yes i needed a moment too. you just need to spawn all your particles on one frame and then everthing works as expected (so just start and end frame to 1). They just werent all “there” yet

Edit: i also switched to newtonian and changed the roughness of the floor but that was just my preference

Okay. Thank you. I might have to come back to you. Taking a Blender rest for a couple of days, but just wanted to thank you for the response.

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