Ford Mustang-like car -- Updated --

Thnx, I don’t fully understand it yet but I’ll try to. If it is what I think it is, then it is very cool, and then it is something I am looking for for some time now. (Damn what a weird sentences :D)

Btw, here is an render with a simple “google-pic” as a background. (Just a shadeless pic on a simple plain.) And I finally finished the headlights.
Hope you like it, I do :D.

Oh yeah roger, try the Ctrl+R method of editing the mesh, select say for example 4 vertices that make up a plane and press Ctrl+R and move the new line where you want it.

I have made the back of the car, and I really like it :smiley: . Here it is:
Btw, I called it the “Falqo SC” (“SC” stands for Sander (my name) Chris (the name of a classmate who helped me with the design)
Here are some more renders.