I’m exhausted working on this. So i call it finished for now. what do you think?
Two things
- The tire tread looks odd.
- The paint job doesn’t look right either. Is it supposed to turn dark like that in the front because right now it looks like a normals problem. I also see it on the trunk too.
Maybe cut back on the DOF too, it sort of makes it look smaller than it should.
Modeling looks great though and you’re choice of materials is good.
either that or a lighting problem?
Could be that also, I do notice some lighting issues on the hood now that you mention it.
why didnt you post this in the FC ??.it can be pimped into a better car.if you are tired now complete it later
any ways .i like the main body model its awesome.maybe red or yellow colour look better.and the wheels need some edge loops at the holes edges.
((sorry for my english))
You really should put this in the Focused Critique area…
I’m doing a Mustang as my first car also and the body shapes and curves are so beautiful.
You have to do a lot of picture research to fit this curves and in your car it’s all left very simplified. That’s really okay but maybe this encourages you to have a look at mustang footage and improve it later on. Keep up the good work, there are many things I like in your model.
Well the rear fenders look way to long, shorten those…
Your mesh looks nice!
I think that I would apply 2 simple changes:
- the lighting should be a bit mor realistic, perhaps soft shadows/area shadows/
- the dof looks really strange, it looks like a matchbox car
nice model, i think with those 2 changes it would be awsome!
I actually like the paint, but maybe too much DOF as the distance from the front of the car to the camera is not that different from the distance from the back of the car to the camera.