Forest Retreat

Hey everyone, first time posting here.
My girlfriend asked me if I could create a nature scene to put on an empty wall in the house so I made this render of our campervan.

Rendered in Cycles 1000 samples, 8000x8000 px
Composited in After Effects

Used Botaniq for the trees/bushes. The empty tree stumps are from Quixel Bridge.

Thanks for checking, greetings from Holland :netherlands:


Hey schrammedia, welcome to BA!

Looks really cozy. That camper is totally ensconced in foliage! :wink:

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I love it!

Maybe add some small things? Some small things that you can discover. Not to many.

Just so when you look at it for longer and close up, it rewards you.

Maybe a Woodpecker, or a Butterfly, maybe a can of coke lying around… something tiny but contrasted to all the green.


Hi and welcome!
I have to say I do like the effect that the wooden logs create,
guiding the viewer to the caravan.
On a closer look, I am not sure if you intended to create the impression that the caravan is abandoned or intentionally hidden but I do like it a lot!

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Heyy thanks for your feedback! I totally get your point but I wanted this one to be “less is more” because of the way we wanted to put it on the wall. Because we splitted it in 3 frames, I didnt want any distractions on the left and right frame and create contrast with the space between the frames. ( I did put our bunnies at the middle-right side of the render as a little easter egg hehe)


Thankyou! Yes it was intended but it’s blending in with the background a little bit to much :smiling_face_with_tear:

Amazing work! My imac would probably explode while rendering this :smiley:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Awesome, thankyou Bart! :grin:

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well i absolutely concur, you did everything right

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I think this is really great render! The composition is great, the nature as well. Looking great on your wall :wink:
I’m curious - how long did you render this image?