FormZ dae export how to join and have just 1 material?

I imported this DAE from form_z, it has a separate model for every texture, when I ctrl-j joined 2 of them together I
couldn’t figure out how to get just 1 material on the 2 sides, should I just remap everything once I join the 3
parts together? Also, 2 of the objects imported as ngons, which have to be ctrl-T triangulated.

Didn’t see anything in the DAE export dialog that would prevent this, FormZ is a solid modeler, free.

Here’s the DAE


Form_Z free notes


Note: Textures are not present and final result is not visually represented (ie. screenshot from FormZ)


  1. Yes, join objects. All textures will stay on defined/selected faces as mapped (if done so).
  2. remove double vertices
  3. from Material slot remove unnecessary Materials / if texture shows on only few faces, remove selection or assign to all faces
  4. remapping (UV) is needed if there’s none yet

why would faces need to be triangulated?
format respects the way they are modeled, use 3ds instead or triangulate via modifier or by hand (destructive action)

if it’s not what you were asking for, please, rephrase the question and clearly define the goal…

rephrase the question and clearly define the goal.
Goal is to get it into Unity with minimum draw calls,
I’m used to blender exporting OBJ into Unity (FBX export isn’t working),with 1 mesh and x number of materials.

This DAE import from formz
had 3 separate objects, only 1 was triangulated, if you import it you’ll see the sides are Ngons. I’ll ctrl-j join the 3 and probably have
to make a 4-texture square power of 2 bitmap for the 1 material, it’s the standard way things are done for Unity.

There’s a unity plugin called Meshmaker that will make texture atlases automatically, or faster than I can in Blender. I’ll probably try
1st, I might be able to join the 3 pieces together with it also.

I want to use formz because it’s an actual cad-type program with cad-type controls.

with textures

  1. Apply Scale (ctrl+A) to objects & textures to shaders
  2. Rename UVs to have same names (so UVs get merged)
  3. join objects (UVs merged)
  4. go to edit mode, select vertices & remove doubles
  5. add triangulate modifier or triangulate manually (in edit mode)
  6. export (if using modifiers check: apply modifiers)

File: stairs_w_landings.blend

Thanks burnin, by ‘shaders’ do you mean materials?

Are cycles render nodes necessary?

Rename UVs to have same names (so UVs get merged)

Thanks burnin, by ‘shaders’ do you mean materials?

Are cycles render nodes necessary?

Rename UVs to have same names (so UVs get merged)

where do I rename the UVs?

  1. Shaders are part of what Materials are made of; textures are applied to Diffuse BSDF (shader) in this case.

  2. Cycles Nodes are not necessary, but are made anyway, even if only setting Material via menu in Properties editor; although i find them easier to manipulate Materials.
    Also Blender Render can be used (without nodes).

  3. Rename UVs in Properties Editor > Object Data > UV Maps (e.g.)
    - source -

I duplicated your method without cycles, nodes probably are easier, I had to change 1 texture to a 90 degree version. Any idea why
the blend files are 36MB?

:eyebrowlift: You left lots of data inside…

To view/edit use: Outliner > Change menu from ‘All Scenes’ to either ‘Blender File’ / ‘Datablocks’ / ‘Orphan Data’

Clean/Clear excess data by removing Fake user via ‘Orphan Data’ menu (right click on the green checker and slide down).
Final size: 492KB/496KB

Enjoy :wink: