Forum gets slow?

For me the forum thread topic loads i click on,becomes slower and slower in the last months.
It seems that giant threads starts to load all preview images before showing the thread text.
I dont know what has changed,however if it loads all images before showing the thread,then it would makes more sence to load only preview images which are in the opened visual area,like 3 postings where you at opening if that makes sence.
It dont makes sence to load all images of giant threads if you only want to read the new postings at the end of thread .

maybe loading images with scrolling thread up or down if needed would be faster and not that busy to the server?

My specs Ryzen3900 with latest Firefox

Or is it just happen to me that clicking on some threads loading forever with this animated BA hourglass ?

And sometimes if correcting a post, it shows a draft? what is that?

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It’s not very comfortable, but it’s not uncomfortable to use.
However, if you move from the translated page to another post, it will remain loaded. :thinking:

Hm yes,but it was faster before?Maybe my cache is too full?Or has something changed to the forum code?
As said,it happens even to smaller threads to load slowly sometimes.

Check the speed of your internet line.
I don’t know anything about the changes in ba or the related information :sweat_smile:
If there is a problem with ba itself, I think they will answer it.

I have problems too.
Sometimes only picture heavy topics are loading slow, that’s fine for a small website. But oftentimes it’s slow overall and even pretty slow to the point of unusable. For me, it occurred somewhere around 1 1/2 month ago?
Sometimes it even doesn’t load the website at all. No BA loading screen. Especially when coming from google or favorites. But that’s rare.
In the past it was rather fast and only sometimes slow. But for now it feels like it’s rare that it works fine. So i’m curious about the reason too.
I tried the tips from the old threads about this problem. Deactivating add-ons. Deleting cache and website data. Trying different browsers. I also tried different computers.
My internet line is perfect.

I’m wondering if that is only a problem to “oversea” users.
The ping to New York is already around 100ms and more.
Maybe it has to do with Cloudflare? I don’t know if this is true, but i once read that if you use Cloudflare for free it can be kinda slow.
If that is the reason, i can live with that. The website is for free. Just weird that it started at one point, but that’s the magic of the internet. :smiley:

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Works fine.I can see streamings on YT without interupt.Other sites like artstation,google etc are loading without problems.

Exactly what i mean.

Same here.

I am from germany,close to netherlands i guess thats not the reason,but who knows?

And as @fave_edge said,sometimes if the BA hourglass appears during loading,it seems that its hanging.If i try to reload its like in a loop of the hourglass animation.Then i have to close Firefox and load the site again to make it even responsive.

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I made the same experience. Even with a very fast internet >200Mbit/s sometimes in worst cases (2-3 times a day) it needs sometimes a minute to load. Most of the time it works fine - but sometimes it’s really bad. Some month ago that wasn’t the case. So either there are a lot more people using BA or the servers have lost speed…

Loads fast n’ smooth here in Ottawa, Canada.

I haven’t noticed any slowdowns recently…

Also from germany here notice the same slowdowns
Often it will not load BlenderArtist Website at all.
Was thinking it may due much Traffic on BlenderArtist ?

Because all other Websites Youtube ect. running fine.

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Ok. Because nobody outside Germany seems to have the problem, I think I found the problem.
If I understand this correctly, Telekom doesn’t like open peering and wants to get paid for better peering. Cloudflare doesn’t like to pay “to much”. Because this happens, it can be slow up to the point of being unusably slow.
Btw. right now it works flawless for me. Maybe it’s a combination. To much traffic on internet hubs and no direct peering.

I don’t use VPN services, but if one of you do, you can try it with a different European country.
When it’s slow, try VPN. If it gets better, it’s most likely a peering problem.


Doesn’t that conflict with net neutrality?

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silly question: i don’t have telekom but 1&1 → is that true for 1&1 as well?

1&1 still uses the Telekom Backbone in some areas. If they use their own Versatel Backbone, there doesn’t seem to be a problem.

I can’t answer this question.
But luckily someone in the Cloudflare community actually asked the regulators and posted the answer.
It’s in German. Short answer: No conflict.

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my provider is Telekom, thanks for the info