found module but without __addon_enabled__

Hi All,

My recent addition of Meshfoot core to the Blendgraph code has produved an error message that I do not understand.

found module but without addon_enabled field…

Does anyone know what this means and how I can fix it? Currently Blendgraph will crash Blender 2.69.10 when you press F12 to render. I assume this message has something to do with it…

Meshfoot leverages the existing import routines for .3ds, .lwo, .obj and .wrl. On my system I do have these enabled but there always exists the possibility that an end-user may not. However, the fact that I have them enabled does not prevent the crash.

I am kind of at a loss…:frowning:

How do you use external import routines?
Does your addon have a proper bl_info dict?
Any other addons on your system without?

If I do for example:

import io_scene_obj as M
# True

The property is writeable, but isn’t directly set in the UI (two operators are used instead)…

I would expect non-blender-addons to miss this property, perhaps you try to import routines in a way that isn’t supported?

perhaps you try to import routines in a way that isn’t supported?

I thought there is only one way to import in python.

This is how I import.

import io_scene_obj.import_obj
import io_scene_x3d.import_x3d
import io_scene_3ds.import_3ds
import io_import_scene_lwo

This is my bl_info

bl_info = {
    "name": "Blendgraph",
    "author": "Atom",
    "version": (0, 0, 1),
    "blender": (2, 6, 9), 
    "location": "Nodes > CustomNodesTree > Blendgraph",
    "description": "Node based modeling and animation.",
    "warning": "User must ADD CUSTOM TREE in Composite window. Use SHIFT-A for adding new nodes.",
    "wiki_url": "",
    "tracker_url": "",
    "category": "Node"}

I guess I don’t understand the error so I can’t fix it. The AddOn still loads and works (even calls to the imported modules), however when I press F12 Blendgraph totally crashes Blender 2.69.10 without any messages. Maybe they are unrelated, but it just started happening when I added the Meshfoot core to Blendgraph.