Hello there, 2 years, eh?
well, pretty good rig - its a wee bit hard to use though,:yes:
if I were redoing it (which I’m not going to )
-I’d use IK instead of FK (personal preference) ,
-UV texture instead of vertex paint (it looks better) and also,
-I’d look into fixing his eyballs when he moves his head (they currently fall out of his sockets)
I’d also work on the dumbo ears, but that’s just me
thanks for sharing your rig
Pictures would be nice.
People are very reluctant to download something they can’t see, including myself.
Hobo Joe : picture is attatched - for your eyes to gaze upon :eek:
Sorry for not replying for so long, I’ve been on vacation.:eyebrowlift:
I am glad most of you like it. Its the best I made so far.
AMDBCG, more than 2 years… You can deicide between FK or IK on fingers and arms, but the legs are IK, the body is FK only.:yes: I don’t have the problem with the eyeballs falling out, but i do get some weird deformation for an unknown reason…:o
Thanks for posting you pic. Mines are coming in my next post.
Cessen, thanks for doing that. Hope you like the rig.
alilema, pictures are coming shortly.
blender167, thanks for downloading, I’m glad you like the rig.
AMDBCG, as i have already told you There is IK for the arms ( read the ReadMe),
and I have fixed the eyes:yes:.
Also fixed one part of the mouth that wouldn’t deform well.:eyebrowlift:
The new .blend file can’t be attached…2 big…:spin: