fps game

heres my fps game ive been working on

i have 2 guns
can switch to what gun out of the two. simple bullets simple level and textures.

no enermies as dunno how to do em


Give us the .blend if you want crits and comments

upload the blend to savefile.com .

Filefront it’s better, files don’t get lost.
Uploader.polorix isn’t working (401)

ok look im expecting bad comments so im uploading the .blend now to filefront then ill post the link.
but as for you people here on the ba
people who said to me why make 300 gta shitYY games and cube football and all my other topics like jaks the allaicne etc well my disability has this effect on me

i was doing effects,pivot,storys,making games using rpg maper xp fps creator etc
and then every so often my brian says this game or whateve im doing is crap so i stop like all my games and efefcts ive done thats why ive had so many topics if i was normal i would stick to 1 so im going and not coming back to the ba or crappy blender
for those who said good stuff then thanks
but for everyone its goodbye ill give you the link soon

maybe i should just be playing ps2 games as i want to try and do somethig with my life but i cant i  cant even get a job my dad says that so i can get a job ever i proply wont be able to leave home ever so i hope you people know what is happeing now.

my dad rips me off of my disability money i get 15 pound per week my doctor and mam siad i should be getting 150 pound per month so bye all

heres the link
and yeh its a stargate fan game bye suckers

Um…do you want to start another flame thread?? Be POLITE!..

This a universal stumbling block for ALL developers. We all get those “awesome ideas” for a great game (or film, or still render, any project) and are too quick to jump into development. Soon enough, we hit a wall, something that becomes such a great burden it hinders our motivation to finish the project. Why does this happen? We didn’t plan ahead. Too often we make a fair bit of progress on a project then realize there is a certain aspect of the project that we just don’t know how to accomplish (it could be logic, a script, a model, a texture, anything). At this point we either get frustrated and dump the project all together or try to learn a solution to the problem but in doing so end up spending so much time away from the project that we lose interest in it. Planning ahead before starting development let’s us identify these hang-ups BEFORE we encounter them. This way we know our limitations and what we can really expect to be able to accomplish. If our game concept is beyond our capabilities, we need to decide whether to:

  • Abort the dream [bad choice]
  • Simplify the project to match our abilities [better choice]
  • Learn the lacking skills before starting the project [ding! ding! ding! we have a winner]
    Option 2 is good for beginners who want to actually finish a project. Option 3 is the obvious best choice though. The BlenderArtists community is always willing to give advice when needed. Instead of posting early early early early early early early development state game wip threads, just head over to the game engine support sub-forum and ask questions about all the hang-ups you found during your project’s pre-planning stage. Once the project is a bit further along, then post a WIP thread.

This post is getting a bit lengthy, so I’ll wrap things up. Even though you’ve received a fair amount of heat for posting so many unfinished projects, hopefully those projects at least taught you some new skills that you didn’t have at the start of the projects?

ps. here’s a good quick read about pre-development planning that Social wrote a while ago.

WTF MAN!?!.. ok, its your choice to leave the ba forums, but please take a bit of consideration and be nice about it…

U r a jackass… The answer why ur brain tell u it´s crapgames u make is because u make crapgames… So why not atleast do something that´s not so crappy…
And LOL!!! doing something with ur life like gaming ps2!!! U my little friend, do u got an life? If not, get one…
I understand if ur asbergers make it difficult to get urself a job, friends, a good reputation… But this behavor in this forum, makin awesome-shitty projects, it´s only caus ur assness and stupidy… PLZ!!! End this shitty behavor, start on a maze or something, and don´t give up!! If u not listen to me and do what I say, u can go to ur ps2 and waste ur life behind the tv-screen.

Ur friend Yeahman

This part of the post is censored by me, OTO! Please use correct language in this public forum… im going so bye bye also the reason im making shitty games is because i dont have enough knowelge i try to learn bt i forget what i learn byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

If so… Learn!! and then u got something to show… u r welcome to post it, if not… don´t post ur crap…:smiley:
ur best friend yeahman

The whole situation is poop.

shut up your games are crap

God you all dont realise around here but you all act like inconsiderate pricks and it worse that you try to hide it so dont get up him for being straight forward about his problems maybe theres nothing wrong with what hes saying and you should change. atleast try to get him to re-think his decission but no you all just act like pussys

and dont hate your games your only a beginner try learning more things and practising, besides having no life can come as an advantage :smiley:

Wow everyone… just… wow


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