FPS Template and States.

I am trying to incorporate the FPS template in a game and I have a question about weapon switching. States are definitely the best way to do this right? Well there’s a hella lot of logic for the gun firing and animation. Would there be a way to copy the logic from one state to another? This would be awesome and save a ton of spiderwebbing.

I need help ASAP

I’m not really sure, the best way might be Python but when I last tried (I was also a bit less experienced) it messed up. It just didn’t work well… I think it’s better if you use Captain Oblivion’s and use properties which go down every frame, which wasn’t what I did.
Here’s the thread.

I’m not really sure, the best way might be Python but when I last tried (I was also a bit less experienced) it messed up. It just didn’t work well… I think it’s better if you use Captain Oblivion’s and use properties which go down every frame, which wasn’t what I did.
Here’s the thread.
Edit: Sorry for the double post… The page reloaded and said something about that I have to wait 30 seconds, and the delete button is not appearing.

Too late =P I got IceMan to do it for me (MediaChicken’s dev forums) we’re working on FB, (trailer will be released tomorrow!) I may have to post some questions on AI later, unless IceMan gets back on IRC =D

EDIT:: New question, when you shoot objects with prop = Ground it makes a bullet hole, when you shoot objects with props named Crate it makes a spark. How do I make another? I can’t find a logic brick or anything that spawns a spark!?! I need to add blood!!