FPS Template Limited python

Im not very good at python. So I prefer not to use it when possible. I made this FPS Template for people who don’t want to get involved with python. Its just a basic Fps cam that moves and does most things you generally need in a Fps game.

mouse look
left strafe
right strafe
walk or run up and down steps



FPS Player.blend (659 KB)

If you want to make games in Blender I strongly suggest you to learn Python. It is very easy to learn and VERY powerful.

well, quite nice Blender 2.49 template, thank you!
The jump action is a bit “weird/inefficient”?
And, there’s no “vertical rotation limits” for the view/camera?

Thanks Jo, I have a few scripts from “this” site I altered and am going to use in my game. Like blood bath and bullet holes. Im currently looking into learning C++ so I can use another game engine were you can write games for PS2+3,XBox 360 and so on. I read it’s easier to learn C++ if you haven’t yet learned any other scripting. Makes sense as you are less likely to get them mixed up in your head and such. lol I’m far from anti scripting. I simply would rather spend my time modeling and texturing than learning script right now. I also think its better for non scripters to learn what the logic bricks are truely capable of and that mastering them is a very powerful tool in itself.

Thanks to all who help with the scripting for us who aren’t so good at it!
I realy dig the scripts Im using in my game!
Thanks again

Oto, I fixed the up and down limits to 70 degrees and made the jump more pleasing to the eye. Still not the matrix lol but effective. If youd like to change the mouse look limits you can do so in the properties panel.FPS Player fixed.blend (659 KB)

Just perfect!
Thank you!

Im not really happy with it now. I noticed a few things wrong with the physics in it. It works better with a box than an empty.If you set the constraint damp to 5 it will act like gravity “but you must increase the max -z ray length to like 20 or 50”. The box will stay in place on a flat slanted ramp. the empty won’t for some reason. I like the box because it will work better for different types of terrain as opposed to just flat. Then you can jump with a simple +z movement of like 15 and crouch with a -z movement of just the opposite. The only problem Im having is when I run with the box it will crash through walls and other obsticles. You can fix this somewhat by adding some boundries to the walls and objects,but that kinda sucks having to do that with all your static props. Any forward momentum over .03 will send you through the walls. The only other solution i think of is to scale every thing down enough to were your run speed is .03. Then it should work perfect. Oh just set boundries “like box or whatever” to what ever you crawl under lol or if you stand up in the middle to can get stuck in the geometry over head.

Nevermind lol shrinking didn’t help. It made it worse! Oh well. It will still work good if all you do is walk like in most Fps’s Ive played. I got his walk speed up to .05 but you have to take any boundries of the player for this to work.

If you’re using DLoc Why not use a ray sensor to detect if there’s a wall in front of the player and slow him down significantly when the wall is detected? I use a similar system for one of my original completed BGE games and it works like a charm, no need to sacrifice walking speed.

Or just switch his movement to use servo motion or LinV (using the latter will require you have a constant down motion as well as it overrides gravity)

I fixed it ace in the world physics properties. I’m uploading the new template under the heading “New FPS Template” Check it out! It works great!