Frame selected objects (NumPad .) jumps into perspective view

I’m sure Blender did not do this in the past:

  1. Viewing 3D viewport in orthographic view (toggled with NumPad 5).
  2. Press NumPad 0 to view scene through the camera (a perspective camera).
  3. Select an object whilst in camera view.
  4. Press NumPad . to focus object, and the 3D viewport now jumps into perspective view, not the orthographic view that I was using previously.
    Should this happen? I don’t want to raise a bug if this is now the expected behaviour. If it’s relevant, in Settings > Navigation tab, I have both the Auto Perspective and Auto Depth options cleared, as I find them annoying!

I’m not sure if you meant this for 4.xy… but in 3.6 after using Keypad 0 to have Camera Perspective an then selecting any object and focus on that… i’m in User Perspective and to get into ortho i have to use the Numpad 5 toggle…

Also: clearing auto perspective means you stay in perspective if you switch to the side views… but now you ask about switching back to orthographic after you got to camera perspective … !? I’m confused…

Thanks for taking a look at this. I’m using the very latest 4.1.1. If you follow the exact sequence above, at the final stage pressing NumPad . correctly takes you out of camera view and back to the normal 3D viewport, with the selected object in the centre of the screen - just as expected. But I’m sure Blender should not switch the viewport to UserPerspective view - it should stay in the mode you were last using it (User Orthographic view in my example).

But with switching to camera view you also switched to perspective… i may be wrong or there could be somethign changed along the development in blender… so i’m not sure if this was different int he past…

…so you have to hit Numpad 5 :person_shrugging:


I’m confused again… you are sure… but it doesn’t do this…

Maybe you mixxed this up with the “stay in perspective view” in the prefs when switching to the side views ??? IDK…

Your last view you were using was NOT orthographic, because in your list you selected Camera View, which is a perspective view.
If you take out the camera view step, stay in orthographic view, and hit Numpad + Period it will stay in orthographic view and all it does is zoom into the scene framing the object via its bounding box…

That is the way it has been as far back as I can remember…

I’m working normally.
Check the information displayed at the top left.
Orthogonal or not… Tested in blender 4.1.1.

OK thanks for checking. I was sure that the camera view observed the camera settings and the 3D viewport observed its own settings. I simply never remember having to constantly switch out of perspective view (which I never use in the 3D viewport), and I’ve been using Blender for 15+ years :slight_smile:

Using blender since 2.4x… and discovering new things every week… :smile_cat: