Free .blend files and where to host them

I’m considering signing up in order to give away some .blend-file assets for free. Since I don’t plan on charging for them, going with a marketplace provider seems like overkill (and may be a bit restricting depending on the marketplaces’ TOSs, allowed licenses, etc.).

From reading the FAQ and looking around a bit, it appears that Bazaar listings are only links or pointers to other marketplace sites, but since I’m still on the outside looking in, I wanted to ask and make sure. Are the sources for free items limited to the marketplaces and sites listed in the FAQ, is there an option to just upload a .blend file directly to the Bazaar, or an option to submit a link to a file hosted elsewhere?

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Blendswap was usually the main place for free blender content in the past, but that website also had a lot of technical difficulties in past few years so it’s popularity decreased.

I also see people using gumroad store a lot but setting price to 0 to make it free.

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Correct; you can’t host files on the Bazaar.

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