free calandar app

hey all,

im looking for a free calandar app with to do lists integrated with events. any suggestions would be appreciated. btw, im running xp.


Google calender is nice, You can use it from any computer. Just log in and you have all your calender stuff right at your finger tips.

Much easier than caring around a USB jump drive and syncing the data between home, work , and school systems.

It works great with GMAIL and all of the other Google services too.

Angela, how much is google paying you? :smiley:

Well, there’s Chandler. I haven’t tried it, but the feature list and screenshots make it seem really good.

thanks guys. i was considering google calendar, but until they have to do lists, i think ill try chandler. as a graphic designer i have respect for good looking graphics.

You could also look at either Mozilla Sunbird or Mozilla Lightning (depending on whether you want it standalone, or integrated with Thunderbird mail).

Hi zdirdboy, for a nice looking calendar I would suggest to use Rainlendar (has a free version, windows and linux only) Nevertheless IMHO a calendar application alone is not something that will make you productive, maybe some sort of productivity system may be of interest to you too (something like GTD etc.) Enjoy.
