Free High res HDRI Files

This is a huge file, but well worth looking at.

I found the link here, and it is released free.

There are several download options, just scroll through the thread.

I hope this helps somebody.:slight_smile:

Cheers for the link! I’ve been playing with IBL and HDRI in Blender again lately. Always seem to come back to it, but finally starting to be happy with the results v render time.

Plenty of seeds for the file at the moment too.

Hey, thanks for sharing!

the link! I’ve been playing with IBL and HDRI in Blender again lately. Always seem to come back to it, but finally starting to be happy with the results v render time.

rana99 and bendansie, why are your posts so similar???

btw, thanks for the files


Hmm. Not sure on that one. It could be an error with rana99’s user settings, but the total of 3 posts they have made are all pretty much the same thing, at least on my browser. Snippets of previous posts.

It is a forum spam bot. Look at its signature. It just duplicates someone’s else missage.

It is a new subtle spamming strategy, you can tell the difference when the user has links to commercial sites in his signature, and post in random threads irrelevant missages or like in this case, it just copies someone’s else missage.

BTW, very interesting HDRI backgrounds!

I have signatures turned off for the moment, so didn’t notice. Thought that might be it, but didn’t want to offend rana99 if they were actually a person.

Problem is, if they can auto generate past 5 posts or whatever the limit is they will be able to post new threads, images and everything else the 5 post limit for new members is, making the limit redundant.

Speaking of post counts… 900! Going to have to come up with something neat for 1000.

Once again, thanks for the HDRI files, if people know of any more, fill us in!

I’ve found some good ones on Turbosquid for $3 - $10 by the way. Not free but cheap for high resolution and clarity. And no, I’m not a super advanced spam-bot. :slight_smile:

That sounds like something a super advanced spam-bot might say.:eyebrowlift2:

Anyway, thanks for the light probes, I’m downloading them right now. :slight_smile:

yes, they have gotten very scary lately.
i’m already planning on going back in time, to prevent timothy to set up elysiun.

thanks for the info, and sorry for the inconvenience.


sorry for my complete ignorance, but what can i do with these files ?

You can assign them to the world and (so far) fake studio-like reflections (it really helps for photorealism).
In the not-so-far future, we’ll be able to use them for Image Based Lighting (IBL) to light a scene without placing any lamp. So far we need a IBL Blender build from graphicall i guess, or any other render engine that supports IBL.
BTW grafixsuz: they’re really HUUUGE!!!