Free Logo Maker?

Hey everyone, I just wanted to know if any of you know a good logo maker, because I’m starting to make the logo for my game, and I need some reference that I can use to make it my own :, if anybody knows a good FREE or Trial Logo maker that’d be great! Thanks!

I can make you one… I’m good at vectors, don’t use a logo maker/generator… use vectors! Like adobe illustrator.

What’s the game about? Give me some info, and what you want it to look like and I’ll make you one for free :wink:

Check out my blender logos thread to see my skills…

Yeah, I saw those! It’s actually not even close to be finished, if you check out my thread, in my signature you’ll see there hasn’t been an update in a longtime, but my team and I have been working on it, just to give you heads up!

I’ll pm you with the story, when and where, but not how and why because I’ll like to keep those in the game and the storyline… :wink:

You might try Inkscape. It’s a nice free vector editing program. I used to use it a lot.

do you know that free 3d program called blender ?