Free low poly weapons!

I made some low poly weapons for my game Nation Of The Dead. I didn’t like these weapons that much so i remade them for my game. But i would love to share the ones that aren’t gunna be in the game.
They are not textured!
Weapons are
Sniper Rifle

Please credit me for my models if you use them in your own game or for anything else.

Thank you


Low Poly weapons.blend (165 KB)

Eh bra what kine weapons get? No mo screenshot how i spose fo know what kine stay on top da file!?? faken haoles.

Would you please rephrase…I cant figure out what you just said…Something about screenshot?.

A contribution. For using on anything please credit.

For modeling, always use reference images… It’s better to draw something and then model it than just model it.

The minigun looks more like a grenade launcher, these weapons would be awesome for a cartoon-style game.

Would you please rephrase…I cant figure out what you just said…Something about screenshot?.
In n0b dialect, he said something like “What kind of weapons are those? I don’t see any screenshots; how am I supposed to… know what something on… I guess… How do the weapons look? Halo faker (something like that)”

they’re basically copies of tom tallian’s weapons from team fortress 2.


Eh you faken haoles i nevah wen say dat! ees not noob spak boi ees faken pidgin english.

Uhh, i mean sorry dude thats how everyone in Hawaii talks and i get used to typing like that sometimes.

Yeah rozzy you’re right. I saw that over on Polycount banner. It’s so cool! It inspired me so much!

Yeah i use reference images. But not for these. I know they are pretty off scale. I have new ones though(for my game) and i used references for them. Also what is the link for?

The link’s a .blend file for a sniper rifle that I retextured and changed the scope from my bird hunting game.

Nice! Really love the work!.