Free Material Layer Editing Addon - Matlayer

So what about if you are making an atlas texture? You would need an IOR map, right? Pls just add it here:

It’s just for those who need it. It doesn’t have to be a feature that everyone uses. I usually just multiply the texture with a Math node to keep it in 0-1 range: Using IOR vaules in a texture map? - #4 by DNorman

Subsurface radius value is basically Subsurface color in 4.0. You can plug in an rgb node and it works fine.

One of the things I loved about the Principled Baker addon:

is that all the slots of the Principled Shader can be baked out into a texture. Didn’t matter which one was used more. Its better to have more options than less because somebody may need to use those slots even though its not widely used.

It gives people the freedom to bake whatever they want to a texture from the principled shader. How you use the resulting baked out texture is up to you.