Principled Baker for Blender 2.79 here:
Bake PBR textures with a few clicks
- Autodetection of what needs to be baked by connected inputs
- Manual selection for texture channels
- bake almost all Principled BSDF (and more) inputs (Color, Metallic, Roughness, etc.) to image textures
- Autodetection/Manual selection also for Alpha, Emission, Ambient Occlusion (from node; 2.80 only), Diffuse, Glossiness (invert Roughness), Bump (as hightmap), Vertex Color, Material ID
- 3 Bake Modes:
- Combined (new default): Bake a single selected object or bake multiple selected objects with shared UV maps. This is like Blenders default bake.
- Single/Batch (previous default): Bake every selected object separately.
- Selected to Active: Does what it says.
- Create new material with new image texture nodes (most image nodes connected)
- Auto Smooth from object/on/off
- Auto UV unwrap option: Smart UV Project/Lightmap Pack
Be careful with Overwrite! It does what it says!
Baking works in Cycles only. (for now; see Baking âinâ Eevee)
Displacement works only with a Displacement node. (Blender 2.80)
Vector Displacement does not work. -
Color inputs of transparent nodes (Transparent, Translucent, Glass) will be ignored by default.
This prevents false colors at transitions from being baked into the Color Texture.
Deactivate âExclude Transparent Colorsâ to bake transparent inputs to Color Texture. -
If just a Bump node is in the node tree, the Normal Map will always be baked.
If a Normal Map and a Bump Map is baked, the Bump node will not be linked in newly created material. -
Some results from complex mixed shader node trees might not be useful
no bake from Ambient Occlusion Shader in 2.79
Auto UV unwrap not available in Blender 2.79 for multiple objects (bake mode: Combined)
with Material Name to define the Material ID Colors: Duplicate colors are possible!
Baking âinâ Eevee did crash Blender 2.80 beta sometimes! I had no crashes with the recent builds while testing.
known issues:
â results for Subsurface Radius is not useful
â results for Tangent might not be useful
â batch baking with shared materials can give useless, half baked image textures
â typo in github name (can not be solved?)
update 0.3.3
- UI change: Bake List below bake button and bake mode to make scrolling less annoying
- Ambient Occlusion removed from Bake List in Blender 2.79 (AO not supported in 2.79)
- Bump (Height) removed from Bake List (is in Additional Bake Types)
- fixed: 16/32 bit float images wrong colors (from view transform)
- fixed: missing compression for PNG
- fixed: codec for OPEN_EXR, codec for TIFF, quality for JPG not working
- fixed: Selected to Active UV Map check for selected objects
- fixed: save in wrong path with relative path in Blender 2.79
- fixed: missing check for selected Diffuse passes
- fixed: missing suffixes
update 0.3.2
- Bake List for manual selection of Bake Types
- detection of Bake Types for Bake List from selected objects
- presets for Bake List
- removed BW from color mode
- UI changes
- fixed: missing custom suffixes (are part of Bake List)
update 0.3.1
- Select UV Map to bake on
- minor UI changes
update 0.3.0
- fixed: diffuse image colorspace not in sRGB
update 0.2.9
- fixed: non-mesh objects in selected objects causing problems
update 0.2.8
- update to changes in Image nodes and Principled BSDF nodes in Blender 2.80
update 0.2.7
- bake diffuse direct/indirect (only for Combined and Single/Batch, does not work properly for Selected to Active)
- influence settings for normals working (see Render (tab) > Bake > Bake Type = Normal > Influence)
update 0.2.6
- fixed: âimageâ referenced before assignment without Create New Material
update 0.2.5:
- baking in Eevee/Workbench by temporarily switching to Cycles - This may crash Blender 2.80 beta!
- Create New Material/Add New Material as two separate options
- Mapping and Texture Coordinate nodes for new material
- fixed: results in Combined mode partially black
- fixed: Vertex Color baking only with material
- fixed: empty material slot removal
- fixed: color outputs in factor inputs not BW
- fixed: wrong material ID colors with shared materials (by slot/hue)
update 0.2.4:
- 3 bake modes: Combined, Single/Batch, Selected to Active
- Material ID (two methods to define Material ID Colors; see Addon Preferences)
- Auto Lightmap Pack option
- fixed: Selected to Active samples not working
- fixed: shared material color always white
- fixed: Selected to Active prefix
update 0.2.3:
- Auto Smooth
- Vertex Color
- AO mix in new material
- fixed: MixRGB missing link test
update 0.2.2:
- fixed: wrong colors from Mix RGB nodes + AO
update 0.2.1:
- fixed: selected to active missing image file check
- fixed: selected to active wrong texture names
- fixed: empty material slots errors
update 0.2.0:
- 16/32 bit support
- image settings
- samples setting
- Glossiness (invert Roughness) option
- progress feedback (cursor)
- Ambient Occlusion from node (for testing)
- backport to Blender 2.79
- bugfixes
update 0.1.9:
fixed: mix with emission
fixed: normal map black
update 0.1.8:
new: Auto Smart UV Project
bugfix: no UV map as potential input error
update 0.1.7:
bugfix: margin not applied
update 0.1.6:
bugfix: file paths
other bugfixes
update 0.1.5:
autodetection: support for more shader nodes
new UI
update 0.1.4:
fixed: missing bake button
update 0.1.3:
port to blender 2.8
update 0.1.2:
new: alpha channel to color (optional)
fixed: alpha channel color space
update 0.1.1:
fixed: alpha color space not sRGB
update 0.1.0:
new: batch baking
new: selected to active baking
new: better auto detection
new: support for multiply materials
new: copy values of Principled BSDF nodes to Principled BSDF node in (optional) new material
new: optional alpha channel (know issue: previously created images without alpha channel need to be deleted by hand to get alpha channel)
fixed: linear color space for values
update 0.0.6:
fixed: wrong baked colors from non-color data image nodes
update 0.0.5:
new: optional bake bump maps to normal maps
update 0.0.4:
new: optional new Material