Free Mocap from a webcam

I found a website that will grab your motion from a webcam. I wrote about it on Essentially you record yourself and the webpage extracts the motion and applies it to your character with a simple rig. Is a free webpage. Plask this an .ai website, I never heard of that extension before. I wanted to use rigid body to throw the chairs around but when I tried that, the chairs didn’t have rigid body simulation in that tab, and I noticed they were in a collection with a chain icon, and I couldn’t actually find the schooldesk object. Can you do rigid body on instances? I’m not sure what the chain icon means, a link from an external file? So I keyframed the chair as he swings his arm. And used the smooth keyframes to get rid of some jitter from the motion capture. I didn’t use a green screen and I think it got most of the motion of me swinging my arms. Took about 20 min to get a nice little mocap from a lo res laptop web cam. That’s incredible. Imagine if I used a high res camera and greenscreen.
knight2.mkv (2.1 MB)

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I haven’t tested it yet, it’s relevant