free stop motion apps??

hi - anyone know of a decent free program that can be used to accomplish this sort of thing
this one was done with/macipic -thnks - sorry if this is technically in the wrong forum topic/area

If you’re on Linux, this one is good:

knellotron…thnks…I’ll work on accessing _ Linux option, someone suggested Blender sequencer or Virtual Dub …I’ll look into a way to organize the single frames in Blender…there are approx. 250 in the video link which is about right. also Virtual Dub I can check as well.cheers

A few years ago, I downloaded a stopmotion program that was cool and easy to use, called Monkeyjam. I think I’ll download it again, it seems to have been updated. Here is a link to the site:


Oh yeah, and here is a cool stopmotion drum & piano solo by a guy who can’t play drums or piano, but the song is amazing, funny, creative and cool.

youtube vid of the kid

If you already have the images, you can use GIMPGAP.

Oh yeah, I didn’t even think about that…I only used Gap once, but it seemed easy enough and powerful. I have the Gap app that “syncs” with Gimp 2.3, I didn’t know that it worked for 2.4 or Gimphoto. I kind of thought that to use GAP, you have to find the available package for the version of Gimp you have, I think that would be a major pain, especially if there is no GAP for you GIMP version, available.

Link–> anasazi is another free stop motion app.

I just uploaded a short stop motion test I did a while ago

You can comment here if you like

“Engaging…Feel good movie of the year”-Dukytyme of the Duky-Times.

“It’s action…It’s drama…It could hurt” - Anonymous

“oh nooooooo” - Mr. Bill

“The ‘plot’ unfolds fast” - Spin

“Can I star in the sequel?” - William Hung

thanks for the info and links everyone… this forum is always “one stop shopping” for good suggestions/experience. I’m just exploring of using stop motion as a teaching tool for an animation class I offer. We do Zoetrope strips to begin and a natural progression might be stop motion before we jump into 3D comp. with Blender. cheers
fatfinger…that’s funny and just the kind of thing that will fill seats in a 3D elective course_but plugging students into Blender world is my main objective :slight_smile: