Free Wrench.

Here is something I modelled and textured over the weekend. Uses GLSL btw:

Link -
wrench.blend - 18.3 Mb

looks neat ( and realistic)!
Good work!
But…your wrench file “weights” 18MB???

yup, uses three 2048x2048 tga textures.

looks ok but there’s no way that I would use an 18mb wrench…, I reckon you could get away with 1024px, even 512px and still look great, whats the vert count…?

Hey AdobeMan don’t knock it 'till you’ve tried it, it is pretty decent.

The vert count is 1214 and it renders at 800 x 600 in under a second. If you need to you could easily reduce the size of the textures and reload them.

Looks nice dave.

Here is a mirror of the file: wrench.blend [3.08 MB]
(I changed the textures to .png and 1024x1024 though)

You forgot to mention that Space-Bar plays an awesome animation!

It’s better to use jpg instead of png when you want the pics to be as small as possible - that would even work when you use 2k².

.tga and .png are lossless though! :wink: