FreeCAD Sverchok & Subd To Nurbs

I found this in the freecad forum…

Maybe could be interesting


Is that… legal? Isn’t the T-spline technology a proprietary solution that got bought by Autodesk about a decade ago? I’m not sure you’re allowed to reverse engineer it, and even so, I’m fairly certain you can’t call it T-splines?

Please correct me if I’m wrong, because it was a groundbreaking technology that the world lost when Autodesk bought the company behind it!

I Just find this link of a GitHub project (tspline opensource implementation) in freecad forum, I absolutely don’t have any understanding of this topic, it’s a matter of High level engineering, but it’s interesting that someone in freecad community could implement something similar in the next years… Apparently if there are open source kernels of tspline it shouldn’t be a problem to use them in freecad…

What I m developing in my freetime it’s just a python script to convert pieces of mesh in nurbs patches, then make a coumpound surfaces obj in freecad and then convert in a solid, nothing related to Tspline.
I’m working right now with the sverchock extra nodes to make this process in a Dynamic bridge Blender/freecad, the nurbs silk workspace in freecad seems promising…

Development snapshot:


HI Folks, I just found this wonderful little Addon,
Which as far as I understand, can convert Subds directly to nurbs/Iges format!


Intresting, but it’s win32 only, not linux

I did search in github

May be someone can port it for linux users?

brothermechanic, should it work on windows 10 64 bit

I got an answer from developer and will develop also a version for Linux and for Mac OS


The addon seems very powerfull, have you tried it out?

Meanwhile I’m testing a new node for sverchok to approximate subd to nurbs in real time:

There’s no perfect continuity but I improved the approximation adding the central vertex as constraint using the Freecad Surface Filling operator.

the good things is that subd crease is preserved…

Once I’ll get the script working fine I’ll add it to my sverchok branch:


Very nice these with Sverchok I was never able to make it working on Linux, I hope one day when I have a new PC with a fresh installation, my OS now I think is very messy too many experiments and I can’t wipe every things because I need it for work.

Indeed, it looks iteresting and very promising)

just released the subd nurbs node in my sperimental branch (under EXCHANGE category):
GitHub - rastart/sverchok: Sverchok

here a first test of the node in the blender/freecad bridge workflow… a magik jar…

The code underneath is just a proof of concept, it works but not reliable. It will be necessary to find a better sorting algorithm, right now too many bootleneck related to FOR cycles, so NOT use with complex mesh, for me it crash over 10k mesh ( a 1k mesh is done in few seconds but 6k mesh need few minutes to be converted)

You just need to place on the obj a subd modifier with minimum 2 levels of subd and not update in edit mode.


Rastart, which version of freecad should I install to use the subd nurbs node on windows 10? Which version of blender? Are you posting tutorials on Discord as well? Thanks

I’m using blender 2.93.1 and freecad 0.19 py 3.9 version, but as far as I know the freecad builds now are py3.8 due to win7 compatibility issues.

BUT using miniconda is very straightforward:

at this time for me the 0.2 dev build doesn’t worked
conda create --name fcenv-dev --channel freecad/label/dev freecad python=3.9.2

THIS WORKED(0.19 stable)
conda create --name fcenv --channel conda-forge freecad python=3.9.2

I would like to open a discord channel on this project but still a lot of work to do, I’ll keep you updated!

Thanks Rastart for making the video. Sorry it took as long as it did to respond.

@Rastart would you mind if I borrow some screenshots of this thread for the page?

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Of course!
If you need something more specific to illustrate this Blender/Freecad workflow just ask!

Great, thanks!! It’s basically to illustrate that things are “permeable” between different apps, and I think there is nothing more stunning than this blender/sverchok/freecad workflow :wink:

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Absolutely, I Just scratched the surface, but the control you can have on the 3d modeling it’s HOLISTIC and very fast to iterate from the idea to the 3d model until the real object, at work I used BIG 3d CAD softwares and I can say that with some time of sperimentations and implementations this pipeline could be a serious One.
I’ll keep doing some little design likes box & jar but once I will be more confident with new freecad assembly I ll go into some “animatronic” project…
Anyway thanx for your work with FreeCad!

Super Cool News!
I need to got it!
Thnak you!

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Another free 100% quads manifold surface model for test purposes.

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